“Naniwagata…” by Ise of poetess in 1000-year ago


#005 Namiwagata…


Size: about 33×24 cm
Dressing framed

What kind of verse?

verse: Naniwagata mijikaki ashi no fushi no mamo awade konoyo wo sugushite yotoya
(imho): Namiwagata, short distance between nodes of reads, you insist that I have to spend this world without seeing you
poet: Ise
in: 9th – 10th century

This verse includes in “Hyakunin Isshu“, the most famouse correction of verses in Japan.

Due to association of “reads -> tideland -> plovers” and the plaintive birdsong, i selected a paper that was printed plovers on for this verse.

The bird song is plaintive indeed, though the shape is cute.

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