“To women who return home after seeing only blossoms…” by Henjo


#008 To women who return home after seeing only blossoms…


Size: about 33×24 cm
Dressing framed

What kind of verse?

verse: Yoso ni mite kaheramu hito ni fuji no hana hai matsuware yo eda ha orutomo
(imho): To women who return home after seeing only blossoms, wisteria blossoms, crawl and cling, even if your branches break
poet: Sojyo, Henjo
in: 9th century

Sojyo, Henjo is famouse for the verse, “The heavenly wind, the road through which the clouds pass, the appearance of maidens, stop for a while”. This verse is also portrayed women. So he must have been interested in women very much.

When i met this verse first time, i felt damp and shady, or somewhat uncomfortable.
Wisteria is “fuji” in Japanese, and i associate Fujiwara family who were a political ruler in that period. Mr. Henjo borned as grandchild of a emperor, and worked as a security force of royal palace before becoming a monk. That is why, i suppose that Mr. Henjo may have hold some feud between Fujiwara family.

i associate another thing from wisteria blossoms. It is a picture of “Flame” by Uemura, Shoen.
Bright and beautiful wisteria blossoms are draw in her Kimono, though she shows something reproachful and sadness in her face. Wisteria has volubile stem, so it must be a symbol of her obsession. Past people must have felt brightness and darkness from this blossom.

In other day, i took photos of wonderful wisteria blossoms.


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