What is “Kana-sho”?


Have you ever seen kana-sho ?


Kana-sho is Japanese original shodo culture

Although two thousand yen bills are no longer in circulation now, have you ever seen it?
A “kana-sho“, a part of “Genji Monogatari Emaki“, was printed in it.

Kana-sho” is original shodo culture in Japan.
Japanese people in 1,000 – 1,300 years ago arranged “kanji” from ancient Chaina to “hiragana” in conformity to how to use Japanese. (Japanese people is good at arrangement in our own way since long ago..) “Kana-sho” is expressive style of hiragana, and is used to write down wakas and stories.

Books writed in 11th and 12th century is saied as “kohitsu“, is very grace and aristocratic. “Genji Monogatari Emaki” as mentioned in the opening sentence was one of the “kohitsu” and also created in this period.

Althogh there are greate art and culture, almost all Japanee people cannnot read “kana-sho” in present. It may be due to a dilemma that they cannot read “kana-sho” despite characters, there are few Japanese who go to a museum to appreciate the art.

It is all right that you just watch a work of not only “kana-sho” but also shodo, and feel something from it like a picture. It is good to think like or dislike it.

If you have wanted to know what things are writed during appreciating, you would take a forward step in this world. If you can read it a little, you must get hooked on this wonderful world.

i introduce my own “kana-sho” and other works in this site.

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