“The water flowing under the trees…” by Nakatsukasa


#020 The water flowing under the trees …


Size: about 17×12 cm
Dressing framed

What kind of verse?

verse: Shita kukuru, midu ni aki koso, kayofu nare, musubu idumi no, te sahe suzusiki
(imho): The water flowing under the trees seems to be already in autumn though it is summer. When i scoop up the water from a spring, i can feel cool in my hands.
poet: Nakatsukasa
in: 10th century

In the 10th century when there was no air conditioner, people would have been more sensitive for heat of summer and coldness of the spring water than now. i can feel the excitement of Nakatsukasa-san when she touched the spring.

Even with that, it is surprised that there was a situation in which a noble woman like granddaughter of the emperor, was outdoors in the heat of the summer and touched the spring.

Even though it’s September, extremely hot days continue. The freshness of this verse can save us who are tired of this endless intense heat.

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