“In a moonlit evening…” by Tsurayuki


#027 In a moonlit evening…


Size: about 19×25 cm
Dressing hanging scroll

What kind of verse?

verse: Yufuduku yo, wogura no yama ni, naku shika no, koe no uti ni ya, aki ha kuru ramu
(imho): In a moonlit evening, deers in Mt. Ogura cry in search of female, autumn deepens while the cry.
poet: Ki, Tsurayuki
in: 9-10th century

A deer cry that often appears in Japanese poems as an autumn tradition, but i have never heard of it, so i borrowed YouTube‘s help. The cry was only heard as the old door squeaking and opening, and i laughed unintentionally. Unfortunately, i was’t able to feel the ancient person’s artistic effect.

Copied title and URL