“The water, that was scooped up by my hands…” by Tsurayuki


#047 The water, that was scooped up by my hands…



Size: about 13×29 cm
Dressing hanging scroll

What kind of verse?

verse: Sode hichite, musubi shi midu no, kohoreru wo, haru tatsu kefu no, kaze ya toku ramu
(imho): The water, that was scooped up by my hands over wetting sleeves in a hot summer day and frozen in winter, now might be being melted by the window in the beginning of spring.
poet: Ki, Tsurayuki
in: 9-10 century

This is a real hanging scroll though other works were made up by image processing. It created for special exhibition, so i choose the poem not a specific season but in all seasons and bright and beautiful paper for it.

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