“Even in the reign of gods,…” by Narihira part 3


#102 Even in the reign of gods,…


Size: Tanzaku: about 50×6 cm

What verse?

verse: Chihayaburu, kami yo mo sira zu Tatsuta-gaha, kara-kurenai ni midu kukuru toha
(imho): Even in the reign of gods, I have never heard of the Tatsuta River turning so crimson, dyeing the water like tie-dyed.
poet: Ariwara, Narihira
in: before 877


Several kind of composition for “tanzaku” format were created for a exhibition, and two of them are introduced this page.

Type A is traditional composition: wide space is put at a head of the paper and the poem is written in 2 lines.

Type B is modern style: 1 fraze is at the top of the paper, and another frazes put in 3 lines under the it.

The A-2 and B-3 came out from me, and went to a person who like them. If you favorite our works, please contact us.

FYI, the work was displayed as the following figure in this exhibition.


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