It’ll be fine tomorrow.


#106 It’ll be fine tomorrow. – “あしたは晴れる”


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What phrase?

フレーズ: あしたは晴れる
Phrase: It’ll be fine tomorrow.

There were a various disasters in this year. “It’ll be fine tomorrow,” i hope we get through with that kind of feeling.


On November 8th, there was a total lunar eclipse. i suddenly took a picture.
According to the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, it is the first time in 442 years that a total eclipse and a planetary (this time Uranus) eclipse can be seen in Japan at the same time. The last time was on July 26, 1580, just during the Warring States period when Nobunaga Oda was active. Since there was no electric light, people at that time must have felt that the event was more dramatic than it is now.


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