“Today is the day when summer leaves and autumn comes..” by Mitsune


#143 Today is the day when summer leaves and autumn comes..


Size: about 33×24 cm
Dressing framed

What verse?

verse: Natsu to aki to, yuki-kafu sora no, kayohi di ha, kata he suzusi ki, kaze ya fuku ramu
(imho): Today is the day when summer leaves and autumn comes. On the roads in the sky where the two passes each other, a cool breeze should be blowing only on one side.
poet: Oshikochi, Mitsune
in: before 913

It is the middle of August, and the lingering heat is still severe on the ground, but the coolness should have already arrived in the sky: this poem was created by such a imagination. The past poet was personify the seasons, and likened they come from and go to the sky.

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