“The feeling of emptiness after the fireworks ended,..” by Kito


#144 The feeling of emptiness after the fireworks ended,..


Size: about 15×15 cm
Dressing framed

What verse?

verse: Hanabi tsuki te, bijin ha sake ni, mi nage n
(imho): The feeling of emptiness after the fireworks ended, the beautiful woman must have been drunk with sake to fill it.
poet: Kito
in: before 1776

With the relaxation of restrictions due to the corona crisis, fireworks festivals were held in various places for the first time in several years.

If we don’t raise fireworks, pyrotechnicians can’t make their bread. If the pyrotechnicians loses their job, we will be no more wonderful fireworks to see.

i love fireworks so much that i made fireworks piece in high school, so i’m very happy that the fireworks display has resumed. i enjoyed the large fireworks with a sense of relief that the pyrotechnicians have regained their place of activity.

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