“A white heron descends to the water’s edge in autumn….” by Li Bai


#156 白鷺下秋水 孤飛如墜霜 心閒且未去 獨立沙洲傍


Size: about 136×35 cm
Dressing framed

What verse?

verse: 白鷺下秋水 孤飛如墜霜 心閒且未去 獨立沙洲傍
(imho): A white heron descends to the water’s edge in autumn. The way it descends alone is like a frost. It stands alone by the sandbank, quietly not leaving for a while.
poet: Li Bai 李白
in: 8th century


My friends and i organize an exhibition for students of child.

Over 400 works are collected every year. All submitted works are displayed in a large venue, which is popular with students.

This year, it was held on November 11th and 12th at Urawa Kaikan in Saitama City.

This work was exhibited at this exhibition as one of the master’s works. Every year, I submit works in kana, but this year I thought I would write in kanji and wrote them. A visitor said “Isn’t it Japanese-style kanji?”

In order to frame it, I made the writing slightly smaller so that it looks neat and doesn’t feel overwhelming.

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