“The cherry blossoms are in full bloom…” by Saigyo


#163 The cherry blossoms are in full bloom…


Size: about 33×24 cm
Dressing framed

What verse?

verse: Oshinabete, hana no sakari ni, nari ni keri, yama no ha goto ni, kakaru shira kumo
(imho): The cherry blossoms are in full bloom all over the mountains, and the blossoms are hanging as white clouds on every ridge of the mountains.
poet: Saigyo
in: the end of 12 century

In those days, the cherry blossoms were to be viewed from afar, and they seen in the distance were described as haze, clouds, or snow.


Saigyo was a great lover of cherry blossoms. During his lifetime, he left more than 2,000 poems, of which 230, or more than 10%, were about cherry blossoms. He even said, “I want to die under these flowers” like this.

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