“The wind is cold, …” by Princess Shokushi


#173 The wind is cold, …


Size: about 25×22 cm
Dressing framed

What kind of verse?

verse: Kaze samu mi, ko no ha hare yuku, yona yona ni, nokoru kuma naki, niha no tugi kage
(imho): The wind is cold, the leaves of the trees in my garden were scattered by it night after night, so the moonlight gradually loses its shadows.
poet: Shokushi Naishinnou
in: before 1201

brief comment

A fan “Oughi” supports the expression of the elegant emotion of Japanese poetry. Furthermore, by using a “tugigami” like this work, the expression becomes even richer.

A tsugigami is basically a paper made by pasting together pieces of some kinds of paper that have been cut or torn. It is possible to create paper with a variety of atmospheres by combining colors and the shape of fragments. It is a traditional technique used in gorgeous old calligraphy, such as the “Nishi Honganji Book Thirty-Six Houses Collection”.

For kana-sho calligrapher, it is exciting to use the tugigami. It would be nice to be able to use such tsugami easily, so I took up the challenge of making tsugami this time.

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