“The birds chirp of night plovers is getting closer.” by Sueyoshi


#176 The birds chirp of night plovers is getting closer…


Size: about 33×24 cm
Dressing framed

What kind of verse?

verse: Sayo-chidori, koe koso chika ku, Narumi-gata, katabuku tsuki ni, shio ya mitsu ramu
(imho): The birds chirp of night plovers is getting closer. The tide must have been rising as the moon is setting over Narumi Lagoon.
poet: Fujiwara, Sueyoshi
in: 1202

brief comment

This “waka” poem was created for “1500th poetry contest” in 1202. This collection of Japanese poems is the biggest one.

The promoter was Retired Emperor Gotoba. He ordered 100 poems each to be presented to 30 representative poets. The 3,000 poetries collected in this way were combined into pairs, left and right, and numbered 1,500.

This is a collection of poems that gives you a sense of the depth of the culture of the early Kamakura period, inspite of samurai warriors era, and the passion of the retired Emperor Gotoba.

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