“Ohara, and small pinewood in Mt. Ojio,” by Tsurayuki


#174 Ohara, and small pinewood in Mt. Ojio, …


Size: about 24×36 cm
Dressing framed

What kind of verse?

verse: Ohohara ya, wojio no yama no, komatsubara, haya kodakaka re, chiyo no kage mi mu
(imho): Ohara, and small pinewood in Mt. Ojio, you must make haste and grow up to be a great. Because I want to see that shadow that will flourish for a thousand years.
poet: Ki, Tsurayuki
in: 935

brief comment

A pinewood with evergreen leaves is a symbol long life, it is said having one thousand years.

This waka poetry was composed at coming-of-age ceremony for the children of the powers that be. They were compared to the little pinewood in this poetry.

Turayuki, who was known as a master of waka poetry, seems to have been in high demand in even if private celebrations.

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