Spring often makes me feel ennui.


#182 Spring often makes me feel ennui.

Size:Postcard; about 10×15 cm

What kind of phrase?

(imho):Spring often makes me feel ennui.

brief comment

I expressed in this work beautifully encapsulates a poignant interplay between the exuberant beauty of spring and the subtle undercurrents of melancholy or ennui.

It delicately portrays the intricate tapestry of human emotions amidst nature’s vibrant transformations. Displaying such an evocative piece of art serves as a gentle nudge to embrace the multifaceted nature of our feelings, even during moments typically steeped in joy and renewal.

It beckons viewers to pause, reflect, and empathize with the nuanced emotions captured within its frame, fostering a deeper connection to both oneself and the world around us.

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