A spring Japanese poem by Saigyo


#183 I am sure to that someone will come to Mt. Yoshino like me in search of cherry blossoms,…

Size:about 33×24

What kind of verse?

verse:dare ka mata, hana wo tadunete yoshino yama, koke fumi-wakuru, iwa tutau ramu
(imho):I am sure to that someone will come to Mt. Yoshino like me in search of cherry blossoms, stepping through moss and walking along the rocks.
in:12th century

Saigyo Houshi, who loved cherry blossoms so much, was already there, and someone else would come along just like him. He is probably praising the centripetal force of cherry blossoms.

brief comment

Saigyo Houshi, who loved cherry blossoms so much, composed this poem in 12th century.

This year’s cherry blossoms gave the impression of blooming and disappearing all at once.

Despite their fleeting presence, they offered a escape into paradise, allowing me to momentarily forget about the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But as quickly as they had arrived, the cherry blossoms began to fade, their petals scattering in the breeze like confetti. Yet, even as they disappeared, their memory lingered, a reminder of the fleeting yet profound beauty of life.

The Saigyo Houshi must have had the same feeling.

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