A summer Japanese poem by Kintada


#185 I couldn’t just pass by…

Size:33×24 cm

What kind of verse?

verse:yuki yarade, yamadi kurashi tu, hototogisu, ima hito kowe no, kikama hosisa ni
(imho):I couldn’t just pass by so I spent my days on the mountain path, because I desired to hear one more voice of a cuckoo.
poet:Minamoto, Kintada

brief comment

The desire to hear the voice of a cuckoo compels he to spend their days on a mountain path.

Perhaps he stranded on the mountain path, listening intently for the call of the cuckoo, with a contemplative expression on their face. The setting sun casting long shadows, the rustle of leaves, and the distant echo of the bird’s song all contribute to his feeling.

This poem was written on a beautiful paper printing with a dandelion flower. Why dandelion? I wanted to represent the sense of the seasons that writing summer poem in spring day.

This choice could imbue the poem with a sense of temporal awareness and adds to its thematic richness, reminding the spectator that even as they enjoy the beauty of the present moment, time continues to move forward, bringing new experiences and opportunities with it.

What do you feel?

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