A summer haiku verse by Sodo


#187 Green leaves in eyes, little cuckoo in mountain, the season’s first bonito

Size:about 7×13 cm

What kind of verse?

verse:Me niha awoba, yama hototogisu, hatu gatsuo
(imho):Green leaves in eyes, little cuckoo in mountain, the season’s first bonito
poet:Yamaguchi, Sodo

This well known verse describes early summer events by all five human senses: sight, hearing, taste and even smell and touch perhaps.

brief comment

Did you notice that the ink color is not all black?

Yes, sumi-ink can change the color deep black to transparent color by continuing to write.

I wanted to convey this haiku in a truly distinctive manner, capturing the vibrant essence of the verdant mountains adorned with youthful foliage and the delightful freshness of the season’s first bonito. With its charmingly rhythmic wordplay, I felt compelled to infuse it with a touch of uniqueness.

Hence, I opted for a mountain-shaped paper delicately embellished with shimmering silver foil. Envisioning the delightful harmony between inked lines and graceful adornments, I harbored high hopes for crafting an intriguing masterpiece.

Furthermore, I endeavored to elevate the presentation by transcending the mundane square bindings, imbuing it with an artful flair that evokes a sense of visual poetry.

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