“A pheasant honks…” by Seira


#006 A pheasant honks…


Size: about 33×24 cm
Dressing framed

What kind of verse?

verse: Kiji naite ato wa kuwa utsu Hikari kana
(imho): A pheasant honks, and swinging a hoe, shining
poet: Matsuoka, Seira
in: 18th century

In other day, i met a pheasant rooster crossing a street on my walk.
I felt spring season. On the other hand, i wanted to cheer for the bird living hard in a wooded area that is being eroded by urban development.

I met this verse in such timing.

This verse was created in Edo period, pheasants would still have lived easily.
Only honk of a pheasant and sound of swinging a hoe must have been echoing in the world.

The dresing of this works was imaged a shining of feather of a pheasant rooster and sunlight reflected on the hoe.

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