“The hydrangea…” by Shiki


#011 The hydrangea…


Size: about 17×12 cm
Dressing hanging scroll

What kind of verse?

verse: Adisai ya kinofu no makoto kefu no uso
(imho): The hydrangea, truth of yesterday, today’s false
poet: Masaoka, Shiki
in: 1893

The start of the rainy season was announced for south islands in Japan.

This verse was created just before the Sino-Japanese War. 26 years passed from the Meiji Restoration, Mr. Shiki was alive in an era of rapidly changing society.

A hydrangea is metaphor of inconstant things due to the future changing the color by acidity of soil. People’s mind, social, and nature are all always changing. This verse touches the very core of my heart since i nowadays keenly realize of the transience of all things.

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