“What do you mean to do my heart, the cuckoo? …” by Toshinari


#148 What do you mean to do my heart, the cuckoo? …


Frame size: about 33×24 cm
Dressing framed

What verse?

verse: Wa ga kokoro, ika ni seyo tote, hototogisu, kumo ma no tsuki no, kage ni naku ramu
(imho): What do you mean to do my heart, the cuckoo? Your singing of which you’re sing under the moonlight filtering through the ephemeral cloud is to lose my composure.
poet: Fujiwara, Toshinari
in: about 1200


There are two elements in shodo art: beauty of visual aspect and meaning of characters. Some shodo artists make much account of the former, but i think the both elements are important for the shodo art.

This time i created a work of the same as #145 poem after a while, to try to see how the work would change (or not) when i had forgotten about it.

The result of that it turns out that my impression from the poem was not different. It was the image of clouded moist air and light of the moon through the cloud.

i represented the same image in a different design.

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