“All the grass on the riverbank is turning red and golden yellow,…” by Hian


#171 All the grass on the riverbank is turning red and golden yellow,…


Size: about 136×35 cm
Dressing framed

What kind of verse?

verse: Kahara no kusa, kotogotoku, momidi shite, midu sousou to, hosoku nagaru ru
(imho): All the grass on the riverbank is turning red and golden yellow, and the water is flowing smoothly in a thin stream.
poet: Shimizu, Hian
in: before 1975
I received permission from the copyright holder to create the work based on Hian Shimizu’s tanka poem.

brief comment

Do you see a babbling brook from this work?

If so, it was a successful trial.

In addition, this poem is a little different from ordinary waka poem especially its rhythm. I tried to express its interesting thing in this “sho” works.

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