A spring Japanese poem by Ryokan


#185 When overlooked the ocean on a spring day, …

Size:about 25×37

What kind of verse?

verse:haru no hi ni, umi no omote wo, miwatase ba, kasumi ni miyu ru, ama no tsuri-bune
(imho):When overlooked the ocean on a spring day, I was able to see fishermen’s fishing boats in haze.
in:18th – 19th century

brief comment

Looking out over the Sea of Japan from Gogoan in Yahiko, Niigata, he could probably see the calm spring sea and the fishermen calmly going about their daily chores, as if a impressionist painting.

I tried to express the deep landscape that he must have seen through the arrangement of character strings and the simple but profound shading of “sumi” ink.

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