A spring Japanese poem by Fumoto


#189 The wisteria blossoms, entwined around the other trees in the garden,…

Size:about 25×37 cm

What kind of verse?

verse:Niwa no ki ni, karamari te saku, fuji no hana, yoru mite ori nu, tuki no akaki ni
(imho):The wisteria blossoms, entwined around the other trees in the garden, I plucked them at night, for the moon was bright.
poet:Oka, Fumoto

brief comment

I mistakenly thought that “plucking the wisteria (fuji in Japanese)” was a satirical poem about the Fujiwara clan in the Heian period. The reason of that is they had many enemies due to holding national authority in the era.

However, the poet actually lived between the Meiji and Showa eras in modern ages, so it belongs to a completely different time.

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