Kana Calligraphy Piece: Auspicious Shade


#221 For ten thousand generations, I pray to the pine for your long life,…

Size:about 33×24 cm

What kind of verse?

verse:Yoroduyo wo, matsu nizo kimi wo, ihahi tu ru, chitose no kage ni, sumamu to omohe ba
(imho):For ten thousand generations, I pray to the pine for your long life, wishing to live under the shade of your protection for a thousand years.
poet:Priest Sosei
in:9th century

brief comment

This waka is quite intriguing, isn’t it?

The first half of the poem employs two kakekotoba (pivot words): “matsu” plays on the meanings of “to wait” and “pine tree,” while “tsuru” serves as both the attributive form of the auxiliary verb “tsu” (indicating completion) and the word “crane.” It is sprinkled with auspicious words, making it resemble a textbook example of a celebratory poem.

However, the second half, which feels somewhat ironic, seems to stand out more. The word “kage” carries a double meaning: the shade of the pine tree and the protection offered by the person addressed. This reveals the shrewdness of the daughter.

Although we don’t seem to know much about “Yoshimine no Tsunenari,” it is believed that the lay name of Priest Sosei was “Yoshimine no Harutoshi,” so they were likely related. Since this poem was composed on behalf of Tsunenari’s daughter, it suggests they shared a close, familiar relationship, one where such ironies could be exchanged.

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