“Along a mountain…” by Buson


#014 Along a mountain…


Size: about 14×12 cm
Dressing framed

What kind of verse?

verse: Yama ni sofute, kobune kogi yuku, wakaba kana
(imho): Along a mountain, rowing a small boat, new leaves.
poet: Yosa, Buson
in: 18th century

The sweltering heat continued even before the rainy season, so i wanted to write a verse bringing coolness.
You can feel refreshing just by imagining a small boat swaying through a beautiful mountain with fresh green.

This time, two colors of paper were tried in my work.
The color scheme was conscious of the color of the “Kasane” which is Japanese traditional color chart. “Hana Tachibana“, composed by yellow and blue, is a summer color scheme. The meaning of it is mandarin oranges and the leaves.
Actually, i used calm colors papers in my works.

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