“What do you mean to do my heart, the cuckoo? …” by Toshinari


#145 What do you mean to do my heart, the cuckoo? …


Frame size: about 33×24 cm
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What verse?

verse: Wa ga kokoro, ika ni seyo tote, hototogisu, kumo ma no tsuki no, kage ni naku ramu
(imho): What do you mean to do my heart, the cuckoo? Your singing of which you’re sing under the moonlight filtering through the ephemeral cloud is to lose my composure.
poet: Fujiwara, Toshinari
in: about 1200


We use to call a great persons of the past as another pronunciation of a Chinese character, like Toshinari to “Shunzei”.

The Japanese custom would result from respect and reverence to them, i think.

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