Kana Calligraphy Piece: Evening Coolness


#198 The rain clouds over the peaks of the mountain village have parted,…

Size:about 33×24 cm

What kind of verse?

verse:Yamazato no, mine no amagumo, todae site, yuube suzusiki, maki no sita tsuyu
(imho):The rain clouds over the peaks of the mountain village have parted, and in the evening, it is cool beneath the cedar trees with dewdrops.
poet:ex-Emperor Gotoba
in:before 1205

brief comment

Several decades ago, in the place where I grew up, just like in this poem, on hot summer days, cumulus clouds would rise in the afternoon, and evening showers would cool the heat, making summer days bearable. The highest temperatures rarely exceeded 30 degrees Celsius.

Now, the situation is entirely different. Evening showers have changed their name to ‘guerrilla rainstorms’ and have become the starting point of disasters rather than a turning point in temperature.

I feel a sense of crisis with the recent rapid rise in temperatures. I wonder if there are any measures we can take to restore our once charming climate.

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