“A Japanese cuckoo shings…” by Kyorai


#015 A Japanese cuckoo shings…


Size: about 14×10 cm
Dressing hanging scroll

What kind of verse?

verse: Hototogisu naku ya hibari to jyumonji
(imho): A Japanese cuckoo shings, with a skylark, in the shape of a cross.
poet: Mukai, Kyorai
in: 17-18th century

A Japanese cuckoo flies vertically, and a skylark flies horizontally. That is why, you can see the orbit in the shape of a cross. Someday i would like to see these birds fly.
Since a Japanese cacoo is a bird in the summer and a skylark is in the spring, it also represent changing seasons, does it?

As Mr. Shiki, famous poets in Japan, praised as “the most skillful phrase”, this verse gives reader’s mind a clear image.(Siki’s verse >>)
Unlike verses in the Kokin Wakashu, there is no interpretation of the inside and outside, so i can simply face haiku verse like this comfortably.

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